Friday, March 26, 2010

There is no endless feast

Today, another passenger is going to get off from Sphinx’s rapid train. I don't remember how many of them got off already, however, I didn't feel too sad about the parting since I believe we will meet someday somewhere. 

Isn’t it another kind of happiness to browse their news through any social communication tools? You will be happy for their traveling, growth and new life. Meanwhile, when you have some vacations and plan to travel around, you don’t need to hesitate, cause you have friends from all over the world :D 

Bye, Agne :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a Comma of my life

It's my 22nd months here in Brazil, 2 months more, I will pack all my memories and back to my hometown, where i lived for more than 20 years :) This time, as my current plan, will also be a short stay there in Taiwan, then the next stop should be Europe.

Well, back to the days here in Brazil, i'm so glad that i decided to accomplish my internship here. I knew the culture from another side of the world, learned to be more open minded, leaned how to manage a totally independent life, and of course fell in love the different culture.

I am lucky that from the beginning, besides the language barrier, I have almost no problems with my life here. Living with 11 girls in a big house with swimming pool, existing friends from AIESEC, a job with flexible environment, knowing friends from different corners of the world. Thanks GOD for arranging such a joyful experience to me, let me learn how to live a different life, love different people, and enjoy every moment I had.

Although it's not so smooth as everyone saw, of course i had ever suffered from home sick, being depressed of unsuccessful work, fight with someone close or even experienced the typical brazilian heart broken, however, i would like to say, if i have never chosen to be here, I will still be an ordinary girl who work hard as the way she should be and still as capricious as a kid...

Yes, there is going to have a comma in my journey, I think I really know what I need for my next landmark. 2 years after, hope there is another aspect of Sphinx (Wei) for everyone, more intelligent, elegant and still passionate to know every single detail of the world :) 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


或許在某一程度上 女人都是情緒取向的 不論你有多麼的理性
面對他之前 可能已經反覆在腦裡思考怎樣作是對自己最好的選擇
在面對他時 腦袋停止思考 傻傻的沉浸在對話的喜悅中
面對他之後 原來的計畫改變 他說的都對
在下一次見面前 又自以為理性反覆的在腦裡思考一切
然後 無限迴圈

有些時候 女人向你尋求建議 往往只是為了找到另一個支持"她"想法的人
你叫她不要往東走 她偏偏一股腦的就硬要往東
因為她深信在東邊肯定有奇蹟 說穿了 就是不見棺材不掉淚
除非到了東邊 什麼都沒發生或是一片荒無
傻一點的就會傻傻的相信 再等一下 再等一下
聰明點的就認賠殺出了 但 對往東走這件事 並不後悔
再聰明點的 我想 走到半路 就知道該回頭了

而我 就是這樣的生物