Thursday, July 30, 2009

back or not?

What can I say if I am happy or no when I received those sentences?
I tried to forget and I KNEW I almost forget what we had
but suddenly ur words appear! It's wierd and freak me out! I even can not focus on my job, need to bite myself to know if that is true...
anxious and anxious
how can u behave we r really old friends and normal for u to say we didnt meet for a long time. SHOULD WE?
still cannot kick u out of my mind, compare them with u all the way, all the time, L is the one who may compete with u, and i was trying with him then u show up! why why why? Is this another game or bet in vacation? I dont know, I need ur answer
Marie and I r suffered tonite, her someone stoped avoiding her and talked with her on msn first! how surprise it is! we have the same situation and they came from the same house...rsrs
let's see how drug can return...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

it's just a story

Actually I am selfish, really!
Just because of fun, because I didnt have for a long time, so, I did it.
Maybe it's not something about moral but everything just cannot go back.

He is a friend, the friend u met not so often, usually say something stupid when u meet.
but it still happened,
When I tried to say goodbye and left the party, he was there with another friend,
during the conversation, suddenly he put his finger on my neck start to flirt.
Of course I knew the meaning and just pretended and told myself, Im going home so soon, so, nothing is going to happen, let him do it, it's fine...

Probably his friend noticed and left, he asked me if he can kiss me.
At first, I told him, we cannot coz we r friends, but he said he wanna kiss me from long time ago
It's been a long time I didnt do anything, I hesitated, also tried to escape from the memory of another HIM.
so, I said, ppl r around here, Im kind of embarassed
then he took me to the back of the house
and we started...

When everything finished or actually during the period, I didnt feel excited, moreover, i compared him with HIM. Maybe after few minutes, I can get used to him, i told myself. Unfortunately, even till the end, or I almost tried to give up in the middle. Even he was much tender than HIM, treated me better than HIM, but I just couldnt stop thinking about HIM.

I talked about this situation to Ro on the next day, she said it's normal to compare, but stop trying those stupid things again, it's not even fair to myself. It's true, how should I behave next time when I saw the friend? (In fact, we met unexpectedly after one day and I was stunned and tried to run away...)

Well, just stop such stupid behaviors, and move ur life!! It's a life, not a game! U will never be able to reset!

*If u know who is him or HIM, please dont ask me if that is the rite answer, por favor!

Friday, July 3, 2009


V是個21歲剛自己獨立住在外面的孩子(這跟一年前的我不是很像嗎? 哈哈)

O先生對她出擊但是除了聊天說話外就沒有進一步了,因為我們的小可愛V害怕影響到這家裡的和諧,哈哈,為了O先生,我跟另一個室友馬小姐到現在都還沒說話 = =,所以囉,小V比較理性,向毒品說不!!可是怎之初出茅廬的她就這樣被O先生騙到了心(Orz,這年頭的小女孩也太好拐了)開始覺得自己into him...well,我真的可以理解O先生的功力,所以就用過來人的心態跟小V聊了聊


這在我心中可是投了顆震撼彈,一整個超出我的想像,我想說兩個半月頂多跟10個女孩接吻或是拍拍手的,沒想到是認真的女朋友!!但我也只能說it's ok,不然是要一哭二鬧三上吊嗎?不過是由他親口告訴我,倒是讓我心慰了一下,表示他還算有點良心, i need to be a good guy,他這樣告訴我, 瞬間,我什麼也都說不出口,這個趴踢頓時都不好玩了...
