Thursday, February 25, 2010

2010 Carnaval in Salvador!

Tutata Tututarara... Chiclete com Banana
Eu sou lobo mal, au au, Vou te comer, vou te comer!
Rebolation tion tion, rebolation

The stereotype for carnival is something you see on the TV which happened in Rio de Janeiro, people wear exaggerate costume and dance in samba. Yes, it's the one in RJ, however, in Salvador everything is totally different!!!! The above are some POPULAR songs during the carnaval in Salvador!!! And we call it Axé, you don't need to know how to dance perfectly as long as you know how to JUMP. Yes, just jump with the melody is enough :)

Pre-carnival officially started from 11th Feb, but we can say they started just right after new year!! So, for the whole carnival, it's 11th-16th Feb, during the whole period, you will have a crazy, exciting and unpredictable experience there. WHY?

1. Go out in the night and back to home in the early morning: Actually it's all day long program. Can you imagine those famous singers and bands non-stop singing for 6 hours at least?? All for free, that's why you dont wanna miss the chance to see them in front of you!! (白話點就是免費看蔡依林和周杰倫在電子花車上唱5個小時 誰不會想從晚上站到白天?)

2. Watch out the crazy people, polices and yourself: It's too crowd there if you just stand next by and dont wanna pay and stand in a safe place to watch. It's tooooooo expensive to pay for Camarote (safer place with drinks and food), like USD$200 per night, me and my friends chose just stayed outside and jump with those locals. The first day, my local friend just warned: dont stay in front of the polices since you will hurt when they move. Yes!! since people are too crazy and drunk, they will need those polices to maintain the manners, also, the polices are 5 in a group. Damn, i saw them hit people, i believe i dont wanna try. Also, some thieves they will try to steal when everything is a mess. watch out and just put your money inside the BRA! and only bring the necessary amount out.

3. Carnival effect--Kisses wherever: I have no idea why it's necessary to kiss whoever u meet in carnival, at least, for me it's meaningless. Once I passed by people, they will call "Japa Japa" or said "A li ga do u"(Thanks in Japanese) "sa yo ra na" (Goodbye in Janpanese). I just thought it's funny and stupid, my friends told me "So, Wei, you should try to kiss those who can recognize you as Taiwanese or Chinese at least", hahah. What a joke!

But there is a funny group for guys called "Filhos de Gandy" (sons of Gandhi). Every guy will have the same dress and with lots of necklaces, for those necklaces are for them to put on girls after they, you will see how the guys try to put and how many will girls gain those necklaces :)))

(In the picture, they are waiting for the girls pass by and kiss....sooo funny!!)

For me, it was such a great experience to travel to Salvador and especially for carnival! Although u may gain weight since drink beers for 6 nights...but it still worth to see one of the biggest carnival in the world, to experience the crazyness of Brazil!!! I LOVE BRAZIL :)))

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