This monday morning, I got my documents from Campinas and finally I can start the process to Brazil!!! Yes, i just booked my flight ticket and it only 25 days left for me to prepare all the things. I told my friends, you should get used to my behaviors, don't worry about me too much, and you can find I can get everything settle down in the last minute:P
對我而言,現在是一個過渡期,到現在對巴西就算不是一無所知也是還沒有力氣去多認識一點,有一種想要到了再說的感覺;有對新生活的期待,也有對新生活的茫然,有對舊生活的不捨,也有對舊生活如釋重負的快感。 也沒什麼好說的,最近工作太多...
It's glad news to us~
Uuh.. I'm sorry to let my OC mistake that you and Tiffany(MCVPTM) are the same.
I will be more careful,
Take Care
Otto Tsai
Fu Jen Local Committee 2007-2008
AIESEC in Taiwan
mobile: +886 39-325-458
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