I am sick coz of tonsil! (I learned this new word today!) in portuguese, it is called "Amígdala" and in Chinese is 扁桃腺發炎! I felt really bad from yesterday and got serious fever as well :( so, this afternoon, my collegue took me to the hospital in Unicamp. You don't need to pay anything for public hospital here but u need to wait for a loooooooong time! Like today, i waited for almost 1 hour and examined by a nurse first, (when they called my name, i can felt the name is funny and discussed if i am a japanese) then waited for another 15 mins to see the doctor.
So, the doctor is careful and she is nice, i think i should have a shot, but i didn't in the end, coz the doctor said that is too strong for me and I am a foreigner, they are afraid of that, so she prefer to write some prescription for me and buy drog in drogstore!!
Yes, i need to buy drog after the doctor....and it cost me R$30(around NTD600) I think i'm going to bankrupt...when i told my situation to my friend, how come he told me the guy i met in the weekend may have the same problem and infected to me :( I don't know, hope not, and it's really wierd!!! btw, i didn't eat anything for 2 days! hope i can lose some weights as well, haha!
About Me

- Sphinx
- Easy but not going; think less than twice; HAPPY besides my birthday
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Working Diary
Since I promised my boss that it’s possible for me to work here longer or even to be the permanent employee, I have much more duties than before…I would like to work more and understand more about my company, coz I know only through this way I can contribute and achieve something here. I have my expectation for my internship: I don’t want to work as a trainee but a normal employee.
Recently I’m busy for a project to help my company to build up a new system for channel development and management. We have a lot of distributors now but we don’t have a well system to manage them and not to mention develop. So, I need to review current situation, find out the weakness of current process then give my advice, moreover, after discussing with my boss, I need to implement everything!! Now, I start to feel challenge and need to use lots of brains, set up the deadline and generate strategies…well, time flies, and I will approve it’s the right choice for me and Griaule as well soon!
If anyone has some suggestions for me, welcome to leave a message or mail me! I need a lot of information/ideas/books for channel development, management and marketing!!!
Recently I’m busy for a project to help my company to build up a new system for channel development and management. We have a lot of distributors now but we don’t have a well system to manage them and not to mention develop. So, I need to review current situation, find out the weakness of current process then give my advice, moreover, after discussing with my boss, I need to implement everything!! Now, I start to feel challenge and need to use lots of brains, set up the deadline and generate strategies…well, time flies, and I will approve it’s the right choice for me and Griaule as well soon!
If anyone has some suggestions for me, welcome to leave a message or mail me! I need a lot of information/ideas/books for channel development, management and marketing!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
1. Curitiba週末遊: 說是週末遊其實是星期五晚上坐夜車,硬是撐了兩天玩樂,然後在星期天晚上坐夜車回到我的城市。 果然有@在的地方就是有溫暖的地方,我記得以前不知道誰告訴我參加AIESEC最大的好處的地方,就是你到各地去只要聯絡當地的@er就不怕沒人招待不怕沒地方住,果然AIESEC就像是個通關密語一樣。Curitiba是個很美麗很有綠意的城市,話不多說,看我的相片就知道,唯一糗的是在bar裡面睡著,然後有一個男子跟我朋友說: 你的朋友睡覺很像兔子,可以跟他做朋友嗎? Orz…
2. 我的好友Tushar回家了(哭哭) : Tushar是印度來的犬逆從1月底就待在這兒,是我們的老大哥,是個有濃濃口音的印度人,但是十分有趣講話針針見血,看那真男人在farewell留下男兒淚,我都不禁開始感傷起我的farewell in the future,btw, 預告一下,沒問題的話我應該是待到三月,然後去祕魯玩一下,紐約玩一下XD
3. 週末的AIESEC CP: 這禮拜真是有點給他難得,難得的待在Campinas,難得的Campinas有人@@,照道理來說週末大家都回家加上這週末是選舉 (規定每個人都要投票,如果三次沒投票好像會被取消身分資格),可是就莫名的過得很充實,跟Kaká, Pedro, Fiona(他是男的,新member,被我取的綽號XD), Enrique(哥倫比亞犬逆), Eric(剛來的墨西哥犬逆)原本要去打保齡球的,沒想到行程一整個被兩個女孩(我跟Ka)在大賣場裡一下我要去這家店一下,我要去那家店一下而打亂, 最後保齡球沒去成,只能去Ka家晃,不過一群人這樣胡鬧亂聊到也挺讓人開心,就像是以前在台灣常作的事一樣:)
4. 我的獅子座男孩: 說到他真是我心目中大心的一環,只要他可愛的撒嬌我都可以開心個好幾天甚至一掃之前的陰霾 (灑小花轉圈圈跳舞) ,寫到這一段的時候還是很開心呢!!總覺得他都有好好記住我之前說的話,突然從他嘴裡說出來真是感到不可思議,他叫我答應他要待在巴西不能回台灣,唉,我也想阿,我回嘴: 可以阿,我嫁個巴西人就沒問題了,真下換他無言只能無理取鬧說我說過要待在巴西一輩子,哈哈。他說在他的信仰(他跟他媽媽信一個非洲的教)裡,每個人都代表著大自然的其中一個項目,他的代表是森林,身上的項鍊代表著森林也就那麼一條,說著說著就把他取下來幫我戴上了,說要把它送給我,你說說這怎能不讓人開心咧?每天都要把項鍊擺在枕頭邊睡!
Curitiba照片: http://picasaweb.google.com.br/Lee.Sphinx/20080928Curitiba#
Tushar Farewell: http://picasaweb.google.com.br/Lee.Sphinx/20081003TusharSFarewell#
1. Curitiba週末遊: 說是週末遊其實是星期五晚上坐夜車,硬是撐了兩天玩樂,然後在星期天晚上坐夜車回到我的城市。 果然有@在的地方就是有溫暖的地方,我記得以前不知道誰告訴我參加AIESEC最大的好處的地方,就是你到各地去只要聯絡當地的@er就不怕沒人招待不怕沒地方住,果然AIESEC就像是個通關密語一樣。Curitiba是個很美麗很有綠意的城市,話不多說,看我的相片就知道,唯一糗的是在bar裡面睡著,然後有一個男子跟我朋友說: 你的朋友睡覺很像兔子,可以跟他做朋友嗎? Orz…
2. 我的好友Tushar回家了(哭哭) : Tushar是印度來的犬逆從1月底就待在這兒,是我們的老大哥,是個有濃濃口音的印度人,但是十分有趣講話針針見血,看那真男人在farewell留下男兒淚,我都不禁開始感傷起我的farewell in the future,btw, 預告一下,沒問題的話我應該是待到三月,然後去祕魯玩一下,紐約玩一下XD
3. 週末的AIESEC CP: 這禮拜真是有點給他難得,難得的待在Campinas,難得的Campinas有人@@,照道理來說週末大家都回家加上這週末是選舉 (規定每個人都要投票,如果三次沒投票好像會被取消身分資格),可是就莫名的過得很充實,跟Kaká, Pedro, Fiona(他是男的,新member,被我取的綽號XD), Enrique(哥倫比亞犬逆), Eric(剛來的墨西哥犬逆)原本要去打保齡球的,沒想到行程一整個被兩個女孩(我跟Ka)在大賣場裡一下我要去這家店一下,我要去那家店一下而打亂, 最後保齡球沒去成,只能去Ka家晃,不過一群人這樣胡鬧亂聊到也挺讓人開心,就像是以前在台灣常作的事一樣:)
4. 我的獅子座男孩: 說到他真是我心目中大心的一環,只要他可愛的撒嬌我都可以開心個好幾天甚至一掃之前的陰霾 (灑小花轉圈圈跳舞) ,寫到這一段的時候還是很開心呢!!總覺得他都有好好記住我之前說的話,突然從他嘴裡說出來真是感到不可思議,他叫我答應他要待在巴西不能回台灣,唉,我也想阿,我回嘴: 可以阿,我嫁個巴西人就沒問題了,真下換他無言只能無理取鬧說我說過要待在巴西一輩子,哈哈。他說在他的信仰(他跟他媽媽信一個非洲的教)裡,每個人都代表著大自然的其中一個項目,他的代表是森林,身上的項鍊代表著森林也就那麼一條,說著說著就把他取下來幫我戴上了,說要把它送給我,你說說這怎能不讓人開心咧?每天都要把項鍊擺在枕頭邊睡!
Curitiba照片: http://picasaweb.google.com.br/Lee.Sphinx/20080928Curitiba#
Tushar Farewell: http://picasaweb.google.com.br/Lee.Sphinx/20081003TusharSFarewell#
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
話說以前總想著有哪些組織是AIESEC的competitor,也隱約記得台灣的IAESTE剛成立時有來尋求過我們的協助,甚至自以為是的開始煩惱要不要幫助他們及要如何權衡…等。來到這邊在異鄉的人兒總是顯的格外親切,一開始都是因為某個IAESTE的夥伴發email給我邀請參加他們每個禮拜的meeting(哈哈,就是去bar喝酒聊天啦) ,重點是還是AIESEC的人給他我的mail,說了句: she is a girl who loves party, she probably will join…Orz
說真的當了犬逆後是哪個組織管你是哪國人,要交朋友都沒問題,大家開心的天南地北聊,也很珍惜這短暫的光陰(因為他們大部分都是2-3個月的) ,所以不僅是AIESEC有farewell,IAESTE歪國人更多(這兒這幾個月有2.30個IAESTE幫的)farewell也很多,瞬間facebook上有多了好幾枚意外認識的朋友。
有時候這裡的@er都會假裝生氣說: Sphinx,不要背叛我們!!我們以後每個星期三也要聚會看你要選哪一邊!!(註: 每個星期三是IAESTE的 party night) ,但是漸漸的雙方交流反而越來越多,阿不就是外國人喝酒聊天,開心就好嘛!! 呵,想到以前的我,真不知那時的執著是為了什麼XD
I treasure every friend I have, no matter in Brazil or everywhere!!!!
說真的當了犬逆後是哪個組織管你是哪國人,要交朋友都沒問題,大家開心的天南地北聊,也很珍惜這短暫的光陰(因為他們大部分都是2-3個月的) ,所以不僅是AIESEC有farewell,IAESTE歪國人更多(這兒這幾個月有2.30個IAESTE幫的)farewell也很多,瞬間facebook上有多了好幾枚意外認識的朋友。
有時候這裡的@er都會假裝生氣說: Sphinx,不要背叛我們!!我們以後每個星期三也要聚會看你要選哪一邊!!(註: 每個星期三是IAESTE的 party night) ,但是漸漸的雙方交流反而越來越多,阿不就是外國人喝酒聊天,開心就好嘛!! 呵,想到以前的我,真不知那時的執著是為了什麼XD
I treasure every friend I have, no matter in Brazil or everywhere!!!!
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