Wednesday, January 7, 2009


這次里約新年行是早早以前就決定的,第一次在南半球過炎熱的新年,一定要去海灘才是王道呀!! 之前在CONAL認識的犬逆們大家也早早說好要去里約過新年,所以一整個就是一大群人在里約的見面:)

1. copacabana海灘煙火秀
每年里約copacabana海灘都有近兩百萬人一起迎接新年,一整個copacabana擠滿了人不分男女老少,因為那邊有最多最美的煙火秀! 整場煙火秀整整放足了24分鐘,至少有40萬發吧! 在這邊的新年,大部分人都會穿全身白,期望新的年可以平安度過,在煙火秀後,大家也會帶著花和香檳丟到賴海裡向海神致敬! 這次除了美麗的煙火秀外也有些小插曲,里約人真是熱情太多了,在我打電話問其他犬逆人在哪時,有個人走到我面前問可不可以當我男朋友,希望我可以給他一個kiss; 在我跟朋友Aline買東西吃時,連續被兩群”青少年”包圍,是青少年唷! 一整個看起來只有16.7歲,搭訕就算了,我說我有男朋友他們不相信,我只好趕快向Andre求救,叫他假裝是我男朋友! 我只能說東方人的臉孔現在在里約比在聖保羅還吃香:P
2. Manqueira森巴學校
這次在里約4天的假期,就是在海灘和pub中渡過,是有點沒營養,但就是渡假嘛,對我而言,放輕鬆以及和朋友把酒言歡才是這次旅行的最高指標! 其中比較特別的一點是去了Manqueira森巴學校: 這是在貧民窟裡邊的森巴學校,危險程度不在話下,如果計程車能在你到門口最好,走那5分鐘的小段路,所有人眼睛都望著你,即使路邊就像lapa一樣有音樂有攤販,但大家都知道小心為妙,我們是一群人手牽著手走過的…每個森巴學校都有他的顏色表徵,Manqueira森巴學校是綠色加粉紅色,每個人要花R$20(大概台幣300)才能進去,進去之後人山人海,人人舞著森巴,跟著他們一起唱同一首歌。

It's an area famous of different bars here, although it's dangerous, it's a place you can enjoy and relax yourself, that's why it's a MUST-GO spot when you visit Rio. I spent every night here when I was in Rio, you can dance in a very local pub with local music and local people or you also can choose to stay in a safer and high class pub, experience Rio culture but not with carioca...

Lapa is a place full of different memories for me, yes, in the previous article you can see my experience of being robbed, but in another night, I met another unforgetable guy here. He is a special guy to me although we knew each other through dacing. Coz I was robbed in that early morning, I was still afraid of the atmosphere and ppl in Lapa, I cannot really enjoy the whole nite till I met him. A considerate and tender guy, danced very excellend and knew how to lead me with some way i never danced before. With a nice voice and as u know, what will happened in following hours, well...I admit that it's an event u shouldn't treat it too serious, it's Brazil here, it's only kiss or...but he is a guy that too cute, nice that u will never forget. I don't want anything more, just let it be a beautiful memory.
Rio, a city with different experiences, a city u must go when you come to Brazil!

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