再一個月就要回家囉 照往例回家前一定要好好享受一下巴西的生活
加上這一次 有可能不回巴西了 (哭哭) 所以一定要好好參加每一場啪踢!
1. 阿根廷再出發:
再10來天就要到阿根廷去了!這次辦簽證核發的很阿殺力 今天直接打來約我去拿簽證的時間
跟上次都不一樣 果然去過了一次一切都好說呀!
到現在跟他也都保持的很不錯 應該會隨他一起回家相見家人 有點緊張 呵呵
葡萄牙文都說不好了 還要說西班牙文 一整個又要鬧笑話
但我真的覺得我屬於見不得別人對我好那一型 事情還沒成以前 成天提心吊膽
但當事情成了以後 就開始覺得棘手了 還是對我若即若離些我會比較習慣 Orz
2. 另一枝嫩草:
每次要回台灣前總是特別炙手可熱 是要回台灣的女人比較不會勾勾纏?
是個小帥哥鄰居 屬於憨厚可愛型
想把他收藏在你的玩具箱 心情不好可以拿出來捏一捏那一種
受過姐姐的調教 小嫩草真的很有爆發的潛力!很想把他當娃娃每天抱著!
3. 大自然的女孩:
上星期六日的行程是我始料未及的! 我都不知道我可以如此的大自然化
去泛舟還有攀岩?(就是有繩子 然後你從上而下降下來那種)旁邊有瀑布
有個moment 我的安全帽還被瀑布的水給打歪 真是嚇死我了!
我只能說在飛出去的那一剎那 真是太太恐怖了! 我一整個尖叫到讓工作人員不停恥笑我
去mall逛逛 吹冷氣 看電影 喝下午茶 才是我的愛...好物慾的生活呀...
4. 無止盡的啪踢:
上個禮拜根本就沒有休息到 卡在中間的假日就是啪踢和烤肉 反而隔天要上班弄的更累
但是只要一想到之後回台灣根本不會有類似的啪踢出現 就一整個想哭哭並振奮了!
samba, pagode,forro, funky, setanejo, axe 都是台灣人不會聽的音樂
男孩的腰 甜言蜜語 瘋狂的陌生人都要成為絕響 所以我決定要好好參加每一場啪踢!
About Me

- Sphinx
- Easy but not going; think less than twice; HAPPY besides my birthday
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
最近 過著清心寡慾的生活 又是一個週期
昨天約莫晚上10點多 我朋友來我家按門鈴要我一起去bar小喝幾杯
(巴西人真的有病 14度冷風颼颼照喝不誤)
我走出去應門的那瞬間 發現我穿的很落魄
當時廚房裡的烤箱正烤著餅乾(今天的主題) 我為了打發等待的時間
正在洗刷刷我的白布鞋 (好髒呀 為了穿出去不讓人嫌 趕快刷一下 )
我朋友傻眼: Sphinx! What r u doing?
才發覺 我的社交生活已經靜止快兩星期了!
唉呀 回來我的第一次作餅乾就上手
上禮拜做了奶酪和蛋糕 覺得不精進一下不行 只會那兩樣怎麼活
加上最近想減肥 很多零食都沒買了 啤酒飲料也沒喝(我現在去bar都喝無糖現打柳丁汁唷!)
昨天 google一下 發現作餅乾似乎不是一件難事 而且時間不用太長
吃完晚飯後 就來試了一下
麵粉 150g (我不知道低中高筋 只要是麵粉!)
紅茶包 2個
砂糖 60g (發現太多 40g應該就夠)
無鹽奶油 60g
鹽 少許
煉乳 20g
鮮奶油 10g
1. 篩麵粉並把紅茶包的紅茶道出來灑在麵粉中拌勻 (我室友說樣子好像發霉唷)
2. 奶油室溫溶化與砂糖一起攪拌(我懶惰有稍微微波20秒溶化)
3. 灑鹽少許在麵粉中 煉乳 鮮奶油也加進去(不一定要鮮奶油啦 我自己冰箱有什麼都加一點)
4. 把2倒進麵粉堆中攪拌均勻
5. 拿保鮮膜把剛剛的麵粉團包起來 放到冷凍庫25分鐘
6. 麵團拿出來桿勻 可以用刀切成四方形 或是任意搓揉成圓形 想捏成海綿寶寶也可以
7. 烤箱預熱200度 麵團在烤盤上鋪好 烤個30分鐘

很簡單吧 在剛烤的時候我朋友就來了 害我衝忙換了衣服
只能跟餅乾說掰掰 要我室友照顧
當我回家 發現我的餅乾已經被吃掉2塊了 Orz
但是有到2塊 也是代表它好吃啦
昨天約莫晚上10點多 我朋友來我家按門鈴要我一起去bar小喝幾杯
(巴西人真的有病 14度冷風颼颼照喝不誤)
我走出去應門的那瞬間 發現我穿的很落魄
當時廚房裡的烤箱正烤著餅乾(今天的主題) 我為了打發等待的時間
正在洗刷刷我的白布鞋 (好髒呀 為了穿出去不讓人嫌 趕快刷一下 )
我朋友傻眼: Sphinx! What r u doing?
才發覺 我的社交生活已經靜止快兩星期了!
唉呀 回來我的第一次作餅乾就上手
上禮拜做了奶酪和蛋糕 覺得不精進一下不行 只會那兩樣怎麼活
加上最近想減肥 很多零食都沒買了 啤酒飲料也沒喝(我現在去bar都喝無糖現打柳丁汁唷!)
昨天 google一下 發現作餅乾似乎不是一件難事 而且時間不用太長
吃完晚飯後 就來試了一下
麵粉 150g (我不知道低中高筋 只要是麵粉!)
紅茶包 2個
砂糖 60g (發現太多 40g應該就夠)
無鹽奶油 60g
鹽 少許
煉乳 20g
鮮奶油 10g
1. 篩麵粉並把紅茶包的紅茶道出來灑在麵粉中拌勻 (我室友說樣子好像發霉唷)
2. 奶油室溫溶化與砂糖一起攪拌(我懶惰有稍微微波20秒溶化)
3. 灑鹽少許在麵粉中 煉乳 鮮奶油也加進去(不一定要鮮奶油啦 我自己冰箱有什麼都加一點)
4. 把2倒進麵粉堆中攪拌均勻
5. 拿保鮮膜把剛剛的麵粉團包起來 放到冷凍庫25分鐘
6. 麵團拿出來桿勻 可以用刀切成四方形 或是任意搓揉成圓形 想捏成海綿寶寶也可以
7. 烤箱預熱200度 麵團在烤盤上鋪好 烤個30分鐘
很簡單吧 在剛烤的時候我朋友就來了 害我衝忙換了衣服
只能跟餅乾說掰掰 要我室友照顧
當我回家 發現我的餅乾已經被吃掉2塊了 Orz
但是有到2塊 也是代表它好吃啦
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
PK (這標題不錯)
她說昨晚室友k告訴她 在某個啪踢中跟P接吻了
還記得最後一次似乎是一個月以前 加上以前他追我的瘋狂行徑
不得不讓我大嘆 巴西男人果然沒一個好
嘴巴上我樂見其成 但心裡的疙瘩卻漸漸浮現
小天使:沒關係啦 這男的也還好
小惡魔:馬的 不只一次 是被親假的
小天使:巴西人不都這樣嗎? 幹麻計較
我的卒不想動 但你的帥也不准跑 更不能吃我的士
對自己生氣了一下 明明對人家沒感覺
但就是頓時發現這男的也太誇張 對住同間屋子的女孩下手
我好像也作過一樣的事 這樣只許州官放火不許百姓點燈也說不過去
不過 我想我應該不會再搭理這位男士了
她說昨晚室友k告訴她 在某個啪踢中跟P接吻了
還記得最後一次似乎是一個月以前 加上以前他追我的瘋狂行徑
不得不讓我大嘆 巴西男人果然沒一個好
嘴巴上我樂見其成 但心裡的疙瘩卻漸漸浮現
小天使:沒關係啦 這男的也還好
小惡魔:馬的 不只一次 是被親假的
小天使:巴西人不都這樣嗎? 幹麻計較
我的卒不想動 但你的帥也不准跑 更不能吃我的士
對自己生氣了一下 明明對人家沒感覺
但就是頓時發現這男的也太誇張 對住同間屋子的女孩下手
我好像也作過一樣的事 這樣只許州官放火不許百姓點燈也說不過去
不過 我想我應該不會再搭理這位男士了
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Argentina trip 3: Route 40 and el Chalten
At first, Chalten was not in our original plan, well, even Route 40. We chose Route 40 from Bariloche to el Calafate, for this, we will need to stop for 2 different cities for 2 nights, then, we decided to stay in el Chalten for one more night.
Route 40 is opened in summer and autumn only, besides this way, u have another alternative but I guess it takes longer time. On the way to south, what you can see is only the sands, dirts, and random animals show up. Here we met people from different places, but we didn't talk too much on the bus, even me and Luisa. As usual, I slept while stay on transportation, or sometimes I looked the view outside. The road situation was really bad, and sometimes the maximum of the limit is 20km/hr only, so u can imagine why it takes so long and nobody really wanna stay on the bus...
When we were in Bariloche, kept hearing from other backpackers describe how wonderful el Chalten is, when our bus got close to the little town, it really looks amazing, if you arrive a little town of Finland. It was in the night, we couldn't see very clear, but u can see all the lights turn on, and the town is surrounded by mountains.
The next morning, we walked around the small town, to know what we can do, it's a small and charming town. The man in the information center told us, we can go trekking, and there are 2 routes we can choose from, one is 6 hours and another is 8 hours go and back. For we 2 girls from modern city who never ever climb mountain, of course we chose the one 6 hours.
Wow, until now, I still feel proud of myself that I finished the tough super trekking. For normal people, maybe they don't feel anything, but for me, who doesn't like exercise at all, it's really tough and I even tried to give up, and just because I couldn't since everyone really needs to WALK back by yourself. But there is one thing I was so impressive is the view during we were walking, it reminds me an ancient Chinese poetry: 松下問童子 何處採藥去 只在此山中 雲深不知處
Although the process was difficult, the result was great!! We saw the amazing glacier lake and beautiful birds flying around, once in a while, i felt it was snowing on the road!! Anyway, I love the small town and the trail, I do recommend the trekking since Chalten is the capital of trekking in Argentina, but i will never do the trekking again, hahaha. So....I don't know when I will write my next destination after Chalten, it's another beautiful city as well, Calafate!! oh, I hope I can finish all these before my next time to Argentina!!!!
Route 40 is opened in summer and autumn only, besides this way, u have another alternative but I guess it takes longer time. On the way to south, what you can see is only the sands, dirts, and random animals show up. Here we met people from different places, but we didn't talk too much on the bus, even me and Luisa. As usual, I slept while stay on transportation, or sometimes I looked the view outside. The road situation was really bad, and sometimes the maximum of the limit is 20km/hr only, so u can imagine why it takes so long and nobody really wanna stay on the bus...
When we were in Bariloche, kept hearing from other backpackers describe how wonderful el Chalten is, when our bus got close to the little town, it really looks amazing, if you arrive a little town of Finland. It was in the night, we couldn't see very clear, but u can see all the lights turn on, and the town is surrounded by mountains.
The next morning, we walked around the small town, to know what we can do, it's a small and charming town. The man in the information center told us, we can go trekking, and there are 2 routes we can choose from, one is 6 hours and another is 8 hours go and back. For we 2 girls from modern city who never ever climb mountain, of course we chose the one 6 hours.
Wow, until now, I still feel proud of myself that I finished the tough super trekking. For normal people, maybe they don't feel anything, but for me, who doesn't like exercise at all, it's really tough and I even tried to give up, and just because I couldn't since everyone really needs to WALK back by yourself. But there is one thing I was so impressive is the view during we were walking, it reminds me an ancient Chinese poetry: 松下問童子 何處採藥去 只在此山中 雲深不知處

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