So, when I tried to board, the woman was really confused about my visa, then she stopped me in front of the boarding gate and asked me to wait to the last, and she will check it for me to see if it's a really permit to enter Argentina. Luisa was the most innocent, haha, she was always wait for me till the end, and in one moment I was afraid maybe the trip is going to say goodbye to me since the woman called lots of place and even tried to called the consulate of argentina in sao paulo (my OS: dont be stupid!!! it's Saturday morning!! no one will be there!)
However there was a man is really helpful! I'm glad I am a little girl who can try to find help with poor and innocent eye contact. Then he tried to figure out what happened and viewed my visa. He thought it's no problem so he talked to the woman to let us go (at this moment, we were the last 2 passengers and the flight was even delayed!!). The problem is, the woman tool us and hold my passport, visa and brasilian document. When we got on the plane, she transfered all my document to an attendant, so while I got off the flight I should ask it back....however, when I got off, they transfered my document to another local terminal police :((((
Well, since I was in the airport in Argentina already, I was not so care, hahahahah, I know I will get in or the worst just went back to Brasil and then to plan my vacation again...(shit!) So, the police told us don't worry, they will just confirm it and possibly I can get inside and enjoy my vacation in Argentina!!
In the end, as you guys know, I was in Argentina and had good days!!! but who knows I got another trouble when I went back and stopped in Paraguay...For this, I really feel bad that with my passport I cannot travel around Latin America as I wish and it's complicated each time! Hope there are some ways to solve this since I really really eager to travel around here!!
Seems like alot of issues to travel around. Its harder than it seems. I hope you get more freedom with a new visa. One that lets you explore south america the way you want too.
This photo doesn't look like you!
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