Now I get it.
Yesterday when i was in my friend's place, suddenly i can understand the fear if i face the same situation.
It's always something like that, isn't it? If I were in Brazil (yeah, coz brasilian is too dangerous!), I will never ever enter a guy's room only with him unless I wanna make some illusions. Especially there in Brazil, if you do so, something gonna happen in the next minute.
For me, bedroom is a private space, even you r my friend, you have the chances to visit my house but doesn't mean u have the chance to enter my bedroom and not to mention to sit on my bed... Imagine this: one day a woman enters ur bf's bedroom without let u know and stay for 2 hours. Although there is nothing to do between them, but when you think about that, u won't like it.
Actually there is nothing, just happened and i thought about it.
About Me

- Sphinx
- Easy but not going; think less than twice; HAPPY besides my birthday
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
我妹說 如果都沒連絡 那也沒什麼好留念的啦
很有道理 但是痛苦卻一點一滴在蔓延
以為這次不會痛了 好像無法不把它當一回事
越是忽略 想到的那剎那 越是痛苦
開始後悔起當初腦袋裡的想法 怪那張明信片
如果回憶可以打包 我想就把它放在某個角落
忙碌的找事作 看電視
一個月 還不夠久吧
那天手癢 又或許醉了
腦袋空空 短暫的對話
很有道理 但是痛苦卻一點一滴在蔓延
以為這次不會痛了 好像無法不把它當一回事
越是忽略 想到的那剎那 越是痛苦
開始後悔起當初腦袋裡的想法 怪那張明信片
如果回憶可以打包 我想就把它放在某個角落
忙碌的找事作 看電視
一個月 還不夠久吧
那天手癢 又或許醉了
腦袋空空 短暫的對話
Friday, August 6, 2010
Evaluation:資訊收集, 評估該產品對需求的適合度
Evaluation:資訊收集, 評估該產品對需求的適合度
男女關係 (其實將上述所有”產品”轉化為”你”)
Evaluation:在認識的過程中,了解對方的personality,以及你想知道的一切,並作評估,對方是你的ideal type
Adoption:交往 and so on
Evaluation:在認識的過程中,了解對方的personality,以及你想知道的一切,並作評估,對方是你的ideal type
Adoption:交往 and so on
以感情關係為例,不是每個人都只想出來玩玩的吧!想找到一個好的感情歸宿對我而言所需的成本就很高。在前面兩個階段,如何運用人脈關係或是多參與活動就很重要,至少要能在不同的活動中找到你的target,在此同時,自己的branding也很重要,因為你在觀察別人同時也有人在觀察你,所以這時候女生們就有權利花大錢在治裝彩妝上。看到target如何藉由當天互動讓對方對你產生興趣,接下來又如何讓他很快搜尋到你的資料,也就很重要啦! facebook也真的是一個搜尋好物...
反觀台灣,從show interest就有很大的困難,我們連跨出第一步都不知道如何開始(這個我要是開相關公司一定有賣點,把每個男孩送到巴西生活2個月回來必定大有改善)。
今年年初所訂的2010 Goal, 該是時候檢視一下 (話說是昨天聊天時驚到):
1. 6月中回台灣之後準備申請2011研究所
2. 回台灣同時要找個工作養活自己,希望8月前上工
3. 年底前至少不變胖(只可以瘦不可以胖)
我一直以來都覺得遠距離不是問題,只要有一天能見面能在一起,在那一天之前的努力都是值得.我想或許柏拉圖式的愛情是適合我的, 然而我卻錯估了這過程中最serious的殺手--時間.
時間除了長短也有時差之別,11個小時對還沒有工作時的我,沒有差別,我可以顛倒作息配合他的時間.從我開始上班,他的事業也忙碌後,11個小時變成了五天甚至更久,一個禮拜中也只有週末才能看得見彼此的存在. 只是簡單的問候,該討論的事項一直被pending,回到家打開電腦,又是一次的失望,fine. 你沒時間,我沒時間,所以甚麼時候我們才有共同的時間?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
A different me
It's different, I can feel it. People, activity, music, life and everything.
Of course I don't want to put myself in an always-compared situation, however, I just cannot stop it. 2 years do changed lots of stuff, i found my loved land, my loved life style and people.
I even miss Portuguese, sometimes I just couldn't help to say, "como?", "tchau", "vamos", when I just realized I'm talking with people who don't understand Portuguese at all, a smile is rised and those memory appear in my mind :)
A different way to live my life now, who knows what's gonna happen in next 2 years, but for sure I will go back to find my wonderland, my dreamed life. Just need to be optimistic, be mature then head to my future!
vou morrer por causa das saudades de vcs! mas do que posso fazer? to aki em taiwan, vivo aki todo dia, mas perdi meu coracao la com vcs. que long o distancia, aiii, vou pensar um jeito e resolve!!
Of course I don't want to put myself in an always-compared situation, however, I just cannot stop it. 2 years do changed lots of stuff, i found my loved land, my loved life style and people.
I even miss Portuguese, sometimes I just couldn't help to say, "como?", "tchau", "vamos", when I just realized I'm talking with people who don't understand Portuguese at all, a smile is rised and those memory appear in my mind :)
A different way to live my life now, who knows what's gonna happen in next 2 years, but for sure I will go back to find my wonderland, my dreamed life. Just need to be optimistic, be mature then head to my future!
vou morrer por causa das saudades de vcs! mas do que posso fazer? to aki em taiwan, vivo aki todo dia, mas perdi meu coracao la com vcs. que long o distancia, aiii, vou pensar um jeito e resolve!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
算一算回來也快20天了 是不算無所事事 但還是有個失落感在
畢竟也兩年不在台灣 有時候聊起天來的感覺就是不一樣
也不是生疏 是一種我好像知道你在幹嘛但變化也不大
可能是網路太發達 每個人的大事 很容易三言兩語帶過
但小事卻又那麼微不足道 很多時候是長期的累積才懂的
晚上睡覺 少了室友每天的update和murmur
原本台幣200元就可以喝到肚子撐的啤酒 現在只有一杯
晚上沒有大學的趴踢 沒有尖叫 沒有狂歡
超市裡找不到Muzalela, Oregano, 也沒有我最愛的 Kibon冰淇淋
我的工作沒有同事 也不用跟老闆討論什麼
六日沒車好熱也懶得出門 我巴西的活力在哪咧?
該怎辦 我的reintegration作的不大好
畢竟也兩年不在台灣 有時候聊起天來的感覺就是不一樣
也不是生疏 是一種我好像知道你在幹嘛但變化也不大
可能是網路太發達 每個人的大事 很容易三言兩語帶過
但小事卻又那麼微不足道 很多時候是長期的累積才懂的
晚上睡覺 少了室友每天的update和murmur
原本台幣200元就可以喝到肚子撐的啤酒 現在只有一杯
晚上沒有大學的趴踢 沒有尖叫 沒有狂歡
超市裡找不到Muzalela, Oregano, 也沒有我最愛的 Kibon冰淇淋
我的工作沒有同事 也不用跟老闆討論什麼
六日沒車好熱也懶得出門 我巴西的活力在哪咧?
該怎辦 我的reintegration作的不大好
ninquem mais conversa comigo na noite no quarto, ninquem bebe comigo durante o jogo, ninquem grita ou ri alto comigo, nao tem festas, nao tem o starclean nem o redi, preciso o dalben tb! Que saudades pra minhas gansas e o barao geraldo! To com saudades das tudas coisas no Brasil!! Entao, preciso pensar um jeito pra minha vida, como volto pra Brasil logo!? Ou como melhora minha vida aki em Taiwan! certo?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
ok 這篇還是用中文寫, 一來他看不懂二來還是用中文比較清楚
那兩個星期是我一直用來細細品嘗, 如果未來不是你,至少還曾經瘋狂過
我的幻想遠超於現實中我敢作的 這也是日後爭執的導火線吧XD
第二天: Casa Rosada 成為我的最愛 因為是我們倆第一次一起參觀的地方
聽你說著阿根廷的歷史 其實沒經過那樣年代的我很難想像
第二個晚上 Flash Forward開始成為最愛的影集 連我回台灣都還在追
第三天: 一早 我們去參加你的馬拉松
很開心我起了個大早陪你去 是阿 我也很開心在7度的早晨早起
準備了很久 但成績還不是你理想的目標 很洩氣
下午我們去逛了保育區 聊了好多東西 也更了解你
Tigre, 我這次的目的地之一
原本你應該陪我去的 :( 每次都是這樣 無論如何你都是有理的那一方!
一個人 只能有你的簡訊陪伴
晚上逛超市 Aleja來家裡用晚餐 關係大躍進
我小小的打扮 你也是 看起來帥氣無敵
牽著手在大街上走 接吻 倒立(?)
我們在電影院看了羅賓漢 好笑的是有8分鐘的中場休息
你說是接吻用的 (回頭一看 還真的是大家都在接吻!!)
8小時的車程緊緊相挨 你偷抱怨我早你一天回家 哼哼
瘋狂的一天 你爸媽,你弟,姑姑和奶奶 說不緊張也都是騙人的
這天晚上 你第一次吃醋 :)
但也聽到了真心話 也讓我不得不考慮我的未來
club中的倒立(大心) 你朋友覺得我們好怪 哈哈
笨蛋如你 竟有另外的朋友一起來 跟我住同一間 :(
晚上在club你說早上再生我氣 因為收到我莫名其妙的簡訊
討好你 我第一次主動吻你 不要生氣嘛
結束後的男孩搭訕 引起個大爭執
好多第一次 都是你的 第一次把心剖開給男孩知道
你說 不准在你面前跟別人調情(冤枉阿大人) 害我戰戰兢兢
爭吵後每天的熊抱 1-2-3-抱
晚上的影集 床邊故事 and so on
2個星期 好喜歡你
因為你 成為我的動力!
那兩個星期是我一直用來細細品嘗, 如果未來不是你,至少還曾經瘋狂過
我的幻想遠超於現實中我敢作的 這也是日後爭執的導火線吧XD
第二天: Casa Rosada 成為我的最愛 因為是我們倆第一次一起參觀的地方
聽你說著阿根廷的歷史 其實沒經過那樣年代的我很難想像
第二個晚上 Flash Forward開始成為最愛的影集 連我回台灣都還在追
第三天: 一早 我們去參加你的馬拉松
很開心我起了個大早陪你去 是阿 我也很開心在7度的早晨早起
準備了很久 但成績還不是你理想的目標 很洩氣
下午我們去逛了保育區 聊了好多東西 也更了解你
Tigre, 我這次的目的地之一
原本你應該陪我去的 :( 每次都是這樣 無論如何你都是有理的那一方!
一個人 只能有你的簡訊陪伴
晚上逛超市 Aleja來家裡用晚餐 關係大躍進
我小小的打扮 你也是 看起來帥氣無敵
牽著手在大街上走 接吻 倒立(?)
我們在電影院看了羅賓漢 好笑的是有8分鐘的中場休息
你說是接吻用的 (回頭一看 還真的是大家都在接吻!!)
8小時的車程緊緊相挨 你偷抱怨我早你一天回家 哼哼
瘋狂的一天 你爸媽,你弟,姑姑和奶奶 說不緊張也都是騙人的
這天晚上 你第一次吃醋 :)
但也聽到了真心話 也讓我不得不考慮我的未來
club中的倒立(大心) 你朋友覺得我們好怪 哈哈
笨蛋如你 竟有另外的朋友一起來 跟我住同一間 :(
晚上在club你說早上再生我氣 因為收到我莫名其妙的簡訊
討好你 我第一次主動吻你 不要生氣嘛
結束後的男孩搭訕 引起個大爭執
好多第一次 都是你的 第一次把心剖開給男孩知道
你說 不准在你面前跟別人調情(冤枉阿大人) 害我戰戰兢兢
爭吵後每天的熊抱 1-2-3-抱
晚上的影集 床邊故事 and so on
2個星期 好喜歡你
因為你 成為我的動力!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
要回家了, 6 hours more
再3天, 就要回台灣了,巴西的生活就要畫下句點
之前失蹤了2個星期, 在阿根廷的生活有甜蜜, 快樂, 爭執,所有的一切, 是我現在超級想念的!
It's so strange that there was not even one tear dropped when I left Brazil. I guess it's because I truly believe I will go back one day for sure, maybe very soon :) Or actually I'm a cold person !?
It's really hard to make me cry unless some stressful situation! (which makes me remind the last time I cried, so stressful)
On the way I kept thinking for all the things:
1. SHIT, it's really far from Taiwan that took more than 30 hours for 1 way, and I hate to sit on the flight for a long time as well. However, if I set up my mind to back, to see all my lovely friends, to step on my lovely and familiar land, I definitely will fly again! but it's really painful :(
2. I'm very calm, don't feel any excited or special since I'm so close to the home and my another group of lovely friends. No idea, maybe need to thanks to the convenience of internet. We have no distance to each other, but it seems I need to catch up all the "news" again.
3. my life will keep continuing, keep thinking for my next step, and for sure, I do really need to achieve my goal: study my master degree! besides, I can consider more possibilities after I really get the offer. So, wait for me, my friends :) I will visit u randomly someday somewhere :D
之前失蹤了2個星期, 在阿根廷的生活有甜蜜, 快樂, 爭執,所有的一切, 是我現在超級想念的!
It's so strange that there was not even one tear dropped when I left Brazil. I guess it's because I truly believe I will go back one day for sure, maybe very soon :) Or actually I'm a cold person !?
It's really hard to make me cry unless some stressful situation! (which makes me remind the last time I cried, so stressful)
On the way I kept thinking for all the things:
1. SHIT, it's really far from Taiwan that took more than 30 hours for 1 way, and I hate to sit on the flight for a long time as well. However, if I set up my mind to back, to see all my lovely friends, to step on my lovely and familiar land, I definitely will fly again! but it's really painful :(
2. I'm very calm, don't feel any excited or special since I'm so close to the home and my another group of lovely friends. No idea, maybe need to thanks to the convenience of internet. We have no distance to each other, but it seems I need to catch up all the "news" again.
3. my life will keep continuing, keep thinking for my next step, and for sure, I do really need to achieve my goal: study my master degree! besides, I can consider more possibilities after I really get the offer. So, wait for me, my friends :) I will visit u randomly someday somewhere :D
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
my april
再一個月就要回家囉 照往例回家前一定要好好享受一下巴西的生活
加上這一次 有可能不回巴西了 (哭哭) 所以一定要好好參加每一場啪踢!
1. 阿根廷再出發:
再10來天就要到阿根廷去了!這次辦簽證核發的很阿殺力 今天直接打來約我去拿簽證的時間
跟上次都不一樣 果然去過了一次一切都好說呀!
到現在跟他也都保持的很不錯 應該會隨他一起回家相見家人 有點緊張 呵呵
葡萄牙文都說不好了 還要說西班牙文 一整個又要鬧笑話
但我真的覺得我屬於見不得別人對我好那一型 事情還沒成以前 成天提心吊膽
但當事情成了以後 就開始覺得棘手了 還是對我若即若離些我會比較習慣 Orz
2. 另一枝嫩草:
每次要回台灣前總是特別炙手可熱 是要回台灣的女人比較不會勾勾纏?
是個小帥哥鄰居 屬於憨厚可愛型
想把他收藏在你的玩具箱 心情不好可以拿出來捏一捏那一種
受過姐姐的調教 小嫩草真的很有爆發的潛力!很想把他當娃娃每天抱著!
3. 大自然的女孩:
上星期六日的行程是我始料未及的! 我都不知道我可以如此的大自然化
去泛舟還有攀岩?(就是有繩子 然後你從上而下降下來那種)旁邊有瀑布
有個moment 我的安全帽還被瀑布的水給打歪 真是嚇死我了!
我只能說在飛出去的那一剎那 真是太太恐怖了! 我一整個尖叫到讓工作人員不停恥笑我
去mall逛逛 吹冷氣 看電影 喝下午茶 才是我的愛...好物慾的生活呀...
4. 無止盡的啪踢:
上個禮拜根本就沒有休息到 卡在中間的假日就是啪踢和烤肉 反而隔天要上班弄的更累
但是只要一想到之後回台灣根本不會有類似的啪踢出現 就一整個想哭哭並振奮了!
samba, pagode,forro, funky, setanejo, axe 都是台灣人不會聽的音樂
男孩的腰 甜言蜜語 瘋狂的陌生人都要成為絕響 所以我決定要好好參加每一場啪踢!
再一個月就要回家囉 照往例回家前一定要好好享受一下巴西的生活
加上這一次 有可能不回巴西了 (哭哭) 所以一定要好好參加每一場啪踢!
1. 阿根廷再出發:
再10來天就要到阿根廷去了!這次辦簽證核發的很阿殺力 今天直接打來約我去拿簽證的時間
跟上次都不一樣 果然去過了一次一切都好說呀!
到現在跟他也都保持的很不錯 應該會隨他一起回家相見家人 有點緊張 呵呵
葡萄牙文都說不好了 還要說西班牙文 一整個又要鬧笑話
但我真的覺得我屬於見不得別人對我好那一型 事情還沒成以前 成天提心吊膽
但當事情成了以後 就開始覺得棘手了 還是對我若即若離些我會比較習慣 Orz
2. 另一枝嫩草:
每次要回台灣前總是特別炙手可熱 是要回台灣的女人比較不會勾勾纏?
是個小帥哥鄰居 屬於憨厚可愛型
想把他收藏在你的玩具箱 心情不好可以拿出來捏一捏那一種
受過姐姐的調教 小嫩草真的很有爆發的潛力!很想把他當娃娃每天抱著!
3. 大自然的女孩:
上星期六日的行程是我始料未及的! 我都不知道我可以如此的大自然化
去泛舟還有攀岩?(就是有繩子 然後你從上而下降下來那種)旁邊有瀑布
有個moment 我的安全帽還被瀑布的水給打歪 真是嚇死我了!
我只能說在飛出去的那一剎那 真是太太恐怖了! 我一整個尖叫到讓工作人員不停恥笑我
去mall逛逛 吹冷氣 看電影 喝下午茶 才是我的愛...好物慾的生活呀...
4. 無止盡的啪踢:
上個禮拜根本就沒有休息到 卡在中間的假日就是啪踢和烤肉 反而隔天要上班弄的更累
但是只要一想到之後回台灣根本不會有類似的啪踢出現 就一整個想哭哭並振奮了!
samba, pagode,forro, funky, setanejo, axe 都是台灣人不會聽的音樂
男孩的腰 甜言蜜語 瘋狂的陌生人都要成為絕響 所以我決定要好好參加每一場啪踢!
Friday, April 9, 2010
最近 過著清心寡慾的生活 又是一個週期
昨天約莫晚上10點多 我朋友來我家按門鈴要我一起去bar小喝幾杯
(巴西人真的有病 14度冷風颼颼照喝不誤)
我走出去應門的那瞬間 發現我穿的很落魄
當時廚房裡的烤箱正烤著餅乾(今天的主題) 我為了打發等待的時間
正在洗刷刷我的白布鞋 (好髒呀 為了穿出去不讓人嫌 趕快刷一下 )
我朋友傻眼: Sphinx! What r u doing?
才發覺 我的社交生活已經靜止快兩星期了!
唉呀 回來我的第一次作餅乾就上手
上禮拜做了奶酪和蛋糕 覺得不精進一下不行 只會那兩樣怎麼活
加上最近想減肥 很多零食都沒買了 啤酒飲料也沒喝(我現在去bar都喝無糖現打柳丁汁唷!)
昨天 google一下 發現作餅乾似乎不是一件難事 而且時間不用太長
吃完晚飯後 就來試了一下
麵粉 150g (我不知道低中高筋 只要是麵粉!)
紅茶包 2個
砂糖 60g (發現太多 40g應該就夠)
無鹽奶油 60g
鹽 少許
煉乳 20g
鮮奶油 10g
1. 篩麵粉並把紅茶包的紅茶道出來灑在麵粉中拌勻 (我室友說樣子好像發霉唷)
2. 奶油室溫溶化與砂糖一起攪拌(我懶惰有稍微微波20秒溶化)
3. 灑鹽少許在麵粉中 煉乳 鮮奶油也加進去(不一定要鮮奶油啦 我自己冰箱有什麼都加一點)
4. 把2倒進麵粉堆中攪拌均勻
5. 拿保鮮膜把剛剛的麵粉團包起來 放到冷凍庫25分鐘
6. 麵團拿出來桿勻 可以用刀切成四方形 或是任意搓揉成圓形 想捏成海綿寶寶也可以
7. 烤箱預熱200度 麵團在烤盤上鋪好 烤個30分鐘

很簡單吧 在剛烤的時候我朋友就來了 害我衝忙換了衣服
只能跟餅乾說掰掰 要我室友照顧
當我回家 發現我的餅乾已經被吃掉2塊了 Orz
但是有到2塊 也是代表它好吃啦
昨天約莫晚上10點多 我朋友來我家按門鈴要我一起去bar小喝幾杯
(巴西人真的有病 14度冷風颼颼照喝不誤)
我走出去應門的那瞬間 發現我穿的很落魄
當時廚房裡的烤箱正烤著餅乾(今天的主題) 我為了打發等待的時間
正在洗刷刷我的白布鞋 (好髒呀 為了穿出去不讓人嫌 趕快刷一下 )
我朋友傻眼: Sphinx! What r u doing?
才發覺 我的社交生活已經靜止快兩星期了!
唉呀 回來我的第一次作餅乾就上手
上禮拜做了奶酪和蛋糕 覺得不精進一下不行 只會那兩樣怎麼活
加上最近想減肥 很多零食都沒買了 啤酒飲料也沒喝(我現在去bar都喝無糖現打柳丁汁唷!)
昨天 google一下 發現作餅乾似乎不是一件難事 而且時間不用太長
吃完晚飯後 就來試了一下
麵粉 150g (我不知道低中高筋 只要是麵粉!)
紅茶包 2個
砂糖 60g (發現太多 40g應該就夠)
無鹽奶油 60g
鹽 少許
煉乳 20g
鮮奶油 10g
1. 篩麵粉並把紅茶包的紅茶道出來灑在麵粉中拌勻 (我室友說樣子好像發霉唷)
2. 奶油室溫溶化與砂糖一起攪拌(我懶惰有稍微微波20秒溶化)
3. 灑鹽少許在麵粉中 煉乳 鮮奶油也加進去(不一定要鮮奶油啦 我自己冰箱有什麼都加一點)
4. 把2倒進麵粉堆中攪拌均勻
5. 拿保鮮膜把剛剛的麵粉團包起來 放到冷凍庫25分鐘
6. 麵團拿出來桿勻 可以用刀切成四方形 或是任意搓揉成圓形 想捏成海綿寶寶也可以
7. 烤箱預熱200度 麵團在烤盤上鋪好 烤個30分鐘
很簡單吧 在剛烤的時候我朋友就來了 害我衝忙換了衣服
只能跟餅乾說掰掰 要我室友照顧
當我回家 發現我的餅乾已經被吃掉2塊了 Orz
但是有到2塊 也是代表它好吃啦
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
PK (這標題不錯)
她說昨晚室友k告訴她 在某個啪踢中跟P接吻了
還記得最後一次似乎是一個月以前 加上以前他追我的瘋狂行徑
不得不讓我大嘆 巴西男人果然沒一個好
嘴巴上我樂見其成 但心裡的疙瘩卻漸漸浮現
小天使:沒關係啦 這男的也還好
小惡魔:馬的 不只一次 是被親假的
小天使:巴西人不都這樣嗎? 幹麻計較
我的卒不想動 但你的帥也不准跑 更不能吃我的士
對自己生氣了一下 明明對人家沒感覺
但就是頓時發現這男的也太誇張 對住同間屋子的女孩下手
我好像也作過一樣的事 這樣只許州官放火不許百姓點燈也說不過去
不過 我想我應該不會再搭理這位男士了
她說昨晚室友k告訴她 在某個啪踢中跟P接吻了
還記得最後一次似乎是一個月以前 加上以前他追我的瘋狂行徑
不得不讓我大嘆 巴西男人果然沒一個好
嘴巴上我樂見其成 但心裡的疙瘩卻漸漸浮現
小天使:沒關係啦 這男的也還好
小惡魔:馬的 不只一次 是被親假的
小天使:巴西人不都這樣嗎? 幹麻計較
我的卒不想動 但你的帥也不准跑 更不能吃我的士
對自己生氣了一下 明明對人家沒感覺
但就是頓時發現這男的也太誇張 對住同間屋子的女孩下手
我好像也作過一樣的事 這樣只許州官放火不許百姓點燈也說不過去
不過 我想我應該不會再搭理這位男士了
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Argentina trip 3: Route 40 and el Chalten
At first, Chalten was not in our original plan, well, even Route 40. We chose Route 40 from Bariloche to el Calafate, for this, we will need to stop for 2 different cities for 2 nights, then, we decided to stay in el Chalten for one more night.
Route 40 is opened in summer and autumn only, besides this way, u have another alternative but I guess it takes longer time. On the way to south, what you can see is only the sands, dirts, and random animals show up. Here we met people from different places, but we didn't talk too much on the bus, even me and Luisa. As usual, I slept while stay on transportation, or sometimes I looked the view outside. The road situation was really bad, and sometimes the maximum of the limit is 20km/hr only, so u can imagine why it takes so long and nobody really wanna stay on the bus...
When we were in Bariloche, kept hearing from other backpackers describe how wonderful el Chalten is, when our bus got close to the little town, it really looks amazing, if you arrive a little town of Finland. It was in the night, we couldn't see very clear, but u can see all the lights turn on, and the town is surrounded by mountains.
The next morning, we walked around the small town, to know what we can do, it's a small and charming town. The man in the information center told us, we can go trekking, and there are 2 routes we can choose from, one is 6 hours and another is 8 hours go and back. For we 2 girls from modern city who never ever climb mountain, of course we chose the one 6 hours.
Wow, until now, I still feel proud of myself that I finished the tough super trekking. For normal people, maybe they don't feel anything, but for me, who doesn't like exercise at all, it's really tough and I even tried to give up, and just because I couldn't since everyone really needs to WALK back by yourself. But there is one thing I was so impressive is the view during we were walking, it reminds me an ancient Chinese poetry: 松下問童子 何處採藥去 只在此山中 雲深不知處
Although the process was difficult, the result was great!! We saw the amazing glacier lake and beautiful birds flying around, once in a while, i felt it was snowing on the road!! Anyway, I love the small town and the trail, I do recommend the trekking since Chalten is the capital of trekking in Argentina, but i will never do the trekking again, hahaha. So....I don't know when I will write my next destination after Chalten, it's another beautiful city as well, Calafate!! oh, I hope I can finish all these before my next time to Argentina!!!!
Route 40 is opened in summer and autumn only, besides this way, u have another alternative but I guess it takes longer time. On the way to south, what you can see is only the sands, dirts, and random animals show up. Here we met people from different places, but we didn't talk too much on the bus, even me and Luisa. As usual, I slept while stay on transportation, or sometimes I looked the view outside. The road situation was really bad, and sometimes the maximum of the limit is 20km/hr only, so u can imagine why it takes so long and nobody really wanna stay on the bus...
When we were in Bariloche, kept hearing from other backpackers describe how wonderful el Chalten is, when our bus got close to the little town, it really looks amazing, if you arrive a little town of Finland. It was in the night, we couldn't see very clear, but u can see all the lights turn on, and the town is surrounded by mountains.
The next morning, we walked around the small town, to know what we can do, it's a small and charming town. The man in the information center told us, we can go trekking, and there are 2 routes we can choose from, one is 6 hours and another is 8 hours go and back. For we 2 girls from modern city who never ever climb mountain, of course we chose the one 6 hours.
Wow, until now, I still feel proud of myself that I finished the tough super trekking. For normal people, maybe they don't feel anything, but for me, who doesn't like exercise at all, it's really tough and I even tried to give up, and just because I couldn't since everyone really needs to WALK back by yourself. But there is one thing I was so impressive is the view during we were walking, it reminds me an ancient Chinese poetry: 松下問童子 何處採藥去 只在此山中 雲深不知處

Friday, March 26, 2010
There is no endless feast
Today, another passenger is going to get off from Sphinx’s rapid train. I don't remember how many of them got off already, however, I didn't feel too sad about the parting since I believe we will meet someday somewhere.
Isn’t it another kind of happiness to browse their news through any social communication tools? You will be happy for their traveling, growth and new life. Meanwhile, when you have some vacations and plan to travel around, you don’t need to hesitate, cause you have friends from all over the world :D
Bye, Agne :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
a Comma of my life
It's my 22nd months here in Brazil, 2 months more, I will pack all my memories and back to my hometown, where i lived for more than 20 years :) This time, as my current plan, will also be a short stay there in Taiwan, then the next stop should be Europe.
Well, back to the days here in Brazil, i'm so glad that i decided to accomplish my internship here. I knew the culture from another side of the world, learned to be more open minded, leaned how to manage a totally independent life, and of course fell in love the different culture.
I am lucky that from the beginning, besides the language barrier, I have almost no problems with my life here. Living with 11 girls in a big house with swimming pool, existing friends from AIESEC, a job with flexible environment, knowing friends from different corners of the world. Thanks GOD for arranging such a joyful experience to me, let me learn how to live a different life, love different people, and enjoy every moment I had.
Although it's not so smooth as everyone saw, of course i had ever suffered from home sick, being depressed of unsuccessful work, fight with someone close or even experienced the typical brazilian heart broken, however, i would like to say, if i have never chosen to be here, I will still be an ordinary girl who work hard as the way she should be and still as capricious as a kid...
Yes, there is going to have a comma in my journey, I think I really know what I need for my next landmark. 2 years after, hope there is another aspect of Sphinx (Wei) for everyone, more intelligent, elegant and still passionate to know every single detail of the world :)
Well, back to the days here in Brazil, i'm so glad that i decided to accomplish my internship here. I knew the culture from another side of the world, learned to be more open minded, leaned how to manage a totally independent life, and of course fell in love the different culture.
I am lucky that from the beginning, besides the language barrier, I have almost no problems with my life here. Living with 11 girls in a big house with swimming pool, existing friends from AIESEC, a job with flexible environment, knowing friends from different corners of the world. Thanks GOD for arranging such a joyful experience to me, let me learn how to live a different life, love different people, and enjoy every moment I had.
Although it's not so smooth as everyone saw, of course i had ever suffered from home sick, being depressed of unsuccessful work, fight with someone close or even experienced the typical brazilian heart broken, however, i would like to say, if i have never chosen to be here, I will still be an ordinary girl who work hard as the way she should be and still as capricious as a kid...
Yes, there is going to have a comma in my journey, I think I really know what I need for my next landmark. 2 years after, hope there is another aspect of Sphinx (Wei) for everyone, more intelligent, elegant and still passionate to know every single detail of the world :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
或許在某一程度上 女人都是情緒取向的 不論你有多麼的理性
面對他之前 可能已經反覆在腦裡思考怎樣作是對自己最好的選擇
在面對他時 腦袋停止思考 傻傻的沉浸在對話的喜悅中
面對他之後 原來的計畫改變 他說的都對
在下一次見面前 又自以為理性反覆的在腦裡思考一切
然後 無限迴圈
有些時候 女人向你尋求建議 往往只是為了找到另一個支持"她"想法的人
你叫她不要往東走 她偏偏一股腦的就硬要往東
因為她深信在東邊肯定有奇蹟 說穿了 就是不見棺材不掉淚
除非到了東邊 什麼都沒發生或是一片荒無
傻一點的就會傻傻的相信 再等一下 再等一下
聰明點的就認賠殺出了 但 對往東走這件事 並不後悔
再聰明點的 我想 走到半路 就知道該回頭了
而我 就是這樣的生物
面對他之前 可能已經反覆在腦裡思考怎樣作是對自己最好的選擇
在面對他時 腦袋停止思考 傻傻的沉浸在對話的喜悅中
面對他之後 原來的計畫改變 他說的都對
在下一次見面前 又自以為理性反覆的在腦裡思考一切
然後 無限迴圈
有些時候 女人向你尋求建議 往往只是為了找到另一個支持"她"想法的人
你叫她不要往東走 她偏偏一股腦的就硬要往東
因為她深信在東邊肯定有奇蹟 說穿了 就是不見棺材不掉淚
除非到了東邊 什麼都沒發生或是一片荒無
傻一點的就會傻傻的相信 再等一下 再等一下
聰明點的就認賠殺出了 但 對往東走這件事 並不後悔
再聰明點的 我想 走到半路 就知道該回頭了
而我 就是這樣的生物
Thursday, February 25, 2010
2010 Carnaval in Salvador!
Tutata Tututarara... Chiclete com Banana
Eu sou lobo mal, au au, Vou te comer, vou te comer!
Rebolation tion tion, rebolation
The stereotype for carnival is something you see on the TV which happened in Rio de Janeiro, people wear exaggerate costume and dance in samba. Yes, it's the one in RJ, however, in Salvador everything is totally different!!!! The above are some POPULAR songs during the carnaval in Salvador!!! And we call it Axé, you don't need to know how to dance perfectly as long as you know how to JUMP. Yes, just jump with the melody is enough :)
Pre-carnival officially started from 11th Feb, but we can say they started just right after new year!! So, for the whole carnival, it's 11th-16th Feb, during the whole period, you will have a crazy, exciting and unpredictable experience there. WHY?
1. Go out in the night and back to home in the early morning: Actually it's all day long program. Can you imagine those famous singers and bands non-stop singing for 6 hours at least?? All for free, that's why you dont wanna miss the chance to see them in front of you!! (白話點就是免費看蔡依林和周杰倫在電子花車上唱5個小時 誰不會想從晚上站到白天?)
2. Watch out the crazy people, polices and yourself: It's too crowd there if you just stand next by and dont wanna pay and stand in a safe place to watch. It's tooooooo expensive to pay for Camarote (safer place with drinks and food), like USD$200 per night, me and my friends chose just stayed outside and jump with those locals. The first day, my local friend just warned: dont stay in front of the polices since you will hurt when they move. Yes!! since people are too crazy and drunk, they will need those polices to maintain the manners, also, the polices are 5 in a group. Damn, i saw them hit people, i believe i dont wanna try. Also, some thieves they will try to steal when everything is a mess. watch out and just put your money inside the BRA! and only bring the necessary amount out.
3. Carnival effect--Kisses wherever: I have no idea why it's necessary to kiss whoever u meet in carnival, at least, for me it's meaningless. Once I passed by people, they will call "Japa Japa" or said "A li ga do u"(Thanks in Japanese) "sa yo ra na" (Goodbye in Janpanese). I just thought it's funny and stupid, my friends told me "So, Wei, you should try to kiss those who can recognize you as Taiwanese or Chinese at least", hahah. What a joke!
But there is a funny group for guys called "Filhos de Gandy" (sons of Gandhi). Every guy will have the same dress and with lots of necklaces, for those necklaces are for them to put on girls after they, you will see how the guys try to put and how many will girls gain those necklaces :)))
(In the picture, they are waiting for the girls pass by and kiss....sooo funny!!)
For me, it was such a great experience to travel to Salvador and especially for carnival! Although u may gain weight since drink beers for 6 nights...but it still worth to see one of the biggest carnival in the world, to experience the crazyness of Brazil!!! I LOVE BRAZIL :)))
Eu sou lobo mal, au au, Vou te comer, vou te comer!
Rebolation tion tion, rebolation
The stereotype for carnival is something you see on the TV which happened in Rio de Janeiro, people wear exaggerate costume and dance in samba. Yes, it's the one in RJ, however, in Salvador everything is totally different!!!! The above are some POPULAR songs during the carnaval in Salvador!!! And we call it Axé, you don't need to know how to dance perfectly as long as you know how to JUMP. Yes, just jump with the melody is enough :)
Pre-carnival officially started from 11th Feb, but we can say they started just right after new year!! So, for the whole carnival, it's 11th-16th Feb, during the whole period, you will have a crazy, exciting and unpredictable experience there. WHY?
1. Go out in the night and back to home in the early morning: Actually it's all day long program. Can you imagine those famous singers and bands non-stop singing for 6 hours at least?? All for free, that's why you dont wanna miss the chance to see them in front of you!! (白話點就是免費看蔡依林和周杰倫在電子花車上唱5個小時 誰不會想從晚上站到白天?)
2. Watch out the crazy people, polices and yourself: It's too crowd there if you just stand next by and dont wanna pay and stand in a safe place to watch. It's tooooooo expensive to pay for Camarote (safer place with drinks and food), like USD$200 per night, me and my friends chose just stayed outside and jump with those locals. The first day, my local friend just warned: dont stay in front of the polices since you will hurt when they move. Yes!! since people are too crazy and drunk, they will need those polices to maintain the manners, also, the polices are 5 in a group. Damn, i saw them hit people, i believe i dont wanna try. Also, some thieves they will try to steal when everything is a mess. watch out and just put your money inside the BRA! and only bring the necessary amount out.
3. Carnival effect--Kisses wherever: I have no idea why it's necessary to kiss whoever u meet in carnival, at least, for me it's meaningless. Once I passed by people, they will call "Japa Japa" or said "A li ga do u"(Thanks in Japanese) "sa yo ra na" (Goodbye in Janpanese). I just thought it's funny and stupid, my friends told me "So, Wei, you should try to kiss those who can recognize you as Taiwanese or Chinese at least", hahah. What a joke!
But there is a funny group for guys called "Filhos de Gandy" (sons of Gandhi). Every guy will have the same dress and with lots of necklaces, for those necklaces are for them to put on girls after they, you will see how the guys try to put and how many will girls gain those necklaces :)))
(In the picture, they are waiting for the girls pass by and kiss....sooo funny!!)
For me, it was such a great experience to travel to Salvador and especially for carnival! Although u may gain weight since drink beers for 6 nights...but it still worth to see one of the biggest carnival in the world, to experience the crazyness of Brazil!!! I LOVE BRAZIL :)))
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
上禮拜你打開視訊 問我還記不記得你
是不是帥了點 可愛了點 鬍子多了點?
你說你也想看看我 沒視訊的我 只好傳了相簿網址讓你解相思
你說 這樣的下午喜歡有我的陪伴
想我 也說明了你沒辦法來看我
我懂 因為我有一樣的朋友 創業初期的困難
想念我 你說 希望我再去 因為等我們見面時 我們倆會過的很開心
究竟 每天對著電腦喜怒哀樂的我 是為了什麼?
是不是帥了點 可愛了點 鬍子多了點?
你說你也想看看我 沒視訊的我 只好傳了相簿網址讓你解相思
你說 這樣的下午喜歡有我的陪伴
想我 也說明了你沒辦法來看我
我懂 因為我有一樣的朋友 創業初期的困難
想念我 你說 希望我再去 因為等我們見面時 我們倆會過的很開心
究竟 每天對著電腦喜怒哀樂的我 是為了什麼?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Argentina trip 2: Bariloche
After the modern city, it's time to travel to the south! the first stop we are going to visit is Bariloche! It's a city with beautiful European architectures and chocolate :) Here, you can enjoy chocolate in different flavors, being hot chocolate, milk shake, with cakes! I think I probably gained some weights there!
Well, from BsAs to Bariloche, we took a nonstop bus for 20 hours! However, it was not a tough trip, we were served as princesses in the bus, we got 4 meals, wine, champaign, and a cute waiter. When we arrived, it was very cold like you need to put more jackets on and you can see lots of tourists here as well.
Another thing makes me feel amazing is you see the sunset only till 10pm!! Oh my god, it's my first time to feel that....even in Brasil, the sky starts to be dark around 7 or 8pm is enough, don't mention till 10pm! How people can sleep under such situation?
So....what's the attractive point of Bariloche? The national park, Nahuel Huapi, is one of the best view I have ever known in Bariloche. Here, you can book a trip from hostel and they will gather people from different hostels, at this moment, you will meet people from different countries, u can listen their travel stories, share feelings and imagine your next steps.
One more thing that we were there for our Christmas night, for me, the Christmas' eve doesn't have so many meanings since i'm not catholic or christian. But you can see everyone is busy for missal or even in the night, need to dress well to have a good dinner with those you are with. Or at least, a party is necessary, haha. However, the next day we are going to our next stop: Chalten via Route 40 in the early morning, for us, not a big deal!!!
Well, from BsAs to Bariloche, we took a nonstop bus for 20 hours! However, it was not a tough trip, we were served as princesses in the bus, we got 4 meals, wine, champaign, and a cute waiter. When we arrived, it was very cold like you need to put more jackets on and you can see lots of tourists here as well.
Another thing makes me feel amazing is you see the sunset only till 10pm!! Oh my god, it's my first time to feel that....even in Brasil, the sky starts to be dark around 7 or 8pm is enough, don't mention till 10pm! How people can sleep under such situation?
So....what's the attractive point of Bariloche? The national park, Nahuel Huapi, is one of the best view I have ever known in Bariloche. Here, you can book a trip from hostel and they will gather people from different hostels, at this moment, you will meet people from different countries, u can listen their travel stories, share feelings and imagine your next steps.
One more thing that we were there for our Christmas night, for me, the Christmas' eve doesn't have so many meanings since i'm not catholic or christian. But you can see everyone is busy for missal or even in the night, need to dress well to have a good dinner with those you are with. Or at least, a party is necessary, haha. However, the next day we are going to our next stop: Chalten via Route 40 in the early morning, for us, not a big deal!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
原來在決定下一步前的這段曖昧 是整段遊戲的精華
兩人高來高去 但隱約感覺的到那甜甜的氣息
就連在鍵盤上舞動的手指 都為那幸福的文字而戰慄
腦海中不斷撥放著相處的片段 記憶著每次對話
只想早點飛到你身邊 大聲說:我好喜歡你 :)
記得吸血鬼故事中 狼人的"命定"嗎?
想像小王子那般旅行 卻希望像小王子的的狐狸"請你馴服我吧!"
最後 不是小王子要離開 而是狐狸要離開
我想在我離開的時候 你會哭的
兩人高來高去 但隱約感覺的到那甜甜的氣息
就連在鍵盤上舞動的手指 都為那幸福的文字而戰慄
腦海中不斷撥放著相處的片段 記憶著每次對話
只想早點飛到你身邊 大聲說:我好喜歡你 :)
記得吸血鬼故事中 狼人的"命定"嗎?
想像小王子那般旅行 卻希望像小王子的的狐狸"請你馴服我吧!"
最後 不是小王子要離開 而是狐狸要離開
我想在我離開的時候 你會哭的
Monday, January 11, 2010
Argentina trip 0: Boarding

So, when I tried to board, the woman was really confused about my visa, then she stopped me in front of the boarding gate and asked me to wait to the last, and she will check it for me to see if it's a really permit to enter Argentina. Luisa was the most innocent, haha, she was always wait for me till the end, and in one moment I was afraid maybe the trip is going to say goodbye to me since the woman called lots of place and even tried to called the consulate of argentina in sao paulo (my OS: dont be stupid!!! it's Saturday morning!! no one will be there!)
However there was a man is really helpful! I'm glad I am a little girl who can try to find help with poor and innocent eye contact. Then he tried to figure out what happened and viewed my visa. He thought it's no problem so he talked to the woman to let us go (at this moment, we were the last 2 passengers and the flight was even delayed!!). The problem is, the woman tool us and hold my passport, visa and brasilian document. When we got on the plane, she transfered all my document to an attendant, so while I got off the flight I should ask it back....however, when I got off, they transfered my document to another local terminal police :((((
Well, since I was in the airport in Argentina already, I was not so care, hahahahah, I know I will get in or the worst just went back to Brasil and then to plan my vacation again...(shit!) So, the police told us don't worry, they will just confirm it and possibly I can get inside and enjoy my vacation in Argentina!!
In the end, as you guys know, I was in Argentina and had good days!!! but who knows I got another trouble when I went back and stopped in Paraguay...For this, I really feel bad that with my passport I cannot travel around Latin America as I wish and it's complicated each time! Hope there are some ways to solve this since I really really eager to travel around here!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Argentina trip 1: Paris of Latin America- Buenos Aires

First, of course I need to introduce the best city I have ever visited these days in Latin America, Buenos Aires (BsAs). Most of the time I spent in quite nice area, in the center, it gave me a feeling of European atmosphere, it is surrounded by green trees, well behaved people (yeah, especially compared to Brasilians...kkk) e muito tranquila (dont know how to translate more precisely, calm?). They have plenties of immigrants from Italy, Spain, Germany and other European countries, so the architecture is more similar as there.
Second, I need to say, probably most of the Argentinians are the descent from European countries, most of them look elegant, good looking and even trendy! Women are thin with nice clothes, men are tall, handsome and more gentleman. If you wanna have a pretty baby, will be a
nice choice there :P Btw, generally men are also more helpful and friendly to you as well, the result is under our experiences!
This city BsAs includes lots of part, my favorite is Palermo,
an area with big parks, museums and night clubs. You can enjoy from day to night and from sun to rain! Also, la Boca is another area I like, you will find lots of colorful houses since when the immigrants they arrived BsAs, for those who didnt have lot of money can just only use the material from ship and lived near port. However, it's the origin of Tango as well (I will talk about tango in another article.) When you walk around here, you will find out the really local life and it is definitely differ from those CENTRAL area in BsAs. Well, just need to be careful, be aware of those people around :) However, I think it's still saver than walk around in Sao Paulo...
It's also a city with convenient and cheap transportation system. Only 1.1 pesos (R$0.6=NTD$11=USD$0.3) you can take the metro to wherever! Also, until now in BsAs, you can take the first metro in the Americas! It's really amazing, isn't it? During this trip, I am always thinking how good it will be if I earn from Brazil and spend my money there! It's not impossible!! Since it's a great city, probably will visit it again next time :)
There are too many to introduce for this city, for the next one, I still have some little places and the tango show we went and some interesting experiences in BsAs to show ;)) Once you visit, you will fall in love with Argentina! (there is a joke, my friend is not so good in English, when I posted fall in love with Argentina, he asked me to tell the details and process about fall in love with Arentinian...kkk)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
對的人 對的地點 錯的時間?
即使今天很累 但我相信如果不記下這一切 我會後悔 老師說: 每天你只能記得前一天的70% 只想用最真實的文字來記錄你和我的之間
但也尚未結束 待續...
Day 0 開端: facebook, 幾封email, 稍微瀏覽一下,了解
Day 1 下了飛機 一路上驚嘆著布宜諾斯愛麗斯(Buenos Aires, BsAs)美景的我絲毫未注意到即將發生的故事, 感覺現實生活中的你跟照片上的你似乎不大一樣, 有點嚴肅不像email間的笑臉迎人, 可能是因為不熟吧,只是在你家待幾個晚上, 應該ok過得去.
你提醒著9點半我們要到另一個朋友家烤肉, taxi上聊到巴西男生跟阿根廷男生與女生之間交流的文化, 或許是話匣子打開了,我們之間的距離親近許多,烤肉聚餐後相約clubbing,你和另一個朋友把我從另外3人的名單抽出, 2男1女要一起搭計程車. 笑鬧中你說,我是個好親近的人.
交談中你透露著對我的興趣我也亦在觀望, clubbing你說如果不喜歡別人的騷擾,可以跟他們說你是我女朋友,洗手間的相遇,你用手指輕滑過我的唇, 問我為何上了唇蜜. 印象中你是有女友的人,這些舉動讓我覺得有些輕浮,加上BsAs是個短暫的旅程,一切沒想太多
Day 2 晚上從市中心回家, 認識你的室友, 聊著這天發生的事, 發現到你愛乾淨的習慣, 一起看著電視, 你笑了笑我的小腹, 我說這在巴西是性感, 洗完澡後你要我坐在你旁邊一起看電影, 肢體間的碰觸從這時候開始.
Day 3 小腹這話題一直存在, 捏了捏我的小腹, 說了再見, 我便開始一天的行程, 晚上回來告訴你我們要去看場Tango show, 你開玩笑的說: 怎沒幫你買票, 出門前, 你誇讚了我的穿著, 飄飄然了一整晚.
Day 4 也許因為下午我要出發到下個城市, 這天的中午你很積極, 試圖摟著我一起看電視, 摸著我的頭髮, 面對面的眼神接觸, 你的手指從額頭向下輕摸著我的眼睛鼻子,在聊的是若我在往南部的旅行中若是沒有認識任和阿根廷的男生,回BsAs後,你會介紹給我. 待我朋友洗完澡出來剎那間你挪開了你的位置,我愣住了.
Day 5 意外發現你是單身,所有的一切都有了美麗的解釋,心裡的蝴蝶翩翩飛舞,高興不在話下, 耶誕快樂
Day6-13 想著我應該主動積極些, 或許我們空間上的距離不算太遠, 或許與或許, 腦袋裡編織著無限可能與幻想,下了決定, 從南方寄了張明信片給你,祝你新年快樂,不知道何時你才會收到我的祝福, 當下的心情是未知,雀躍,美麗的
-Day 3 寫了封信問你, 在你家是否看見了我遺落的灰色上衣, 你說隔天在家我隨時可以去拿,頓時覺得這是老天安排的機會
-Day 2 到了你的公寓樓下按了門鈴, 你下來接應我, 當看到你手上的灰色上衣心涼了一半, 以為沒有機會了,聊了一下你問我要不要喝點什麼, 我們便上了樓, 進了屋, 原來你在打掃,偷偷在心裡又偷加了幾分, 看你擦拭著椅腳,我任意的進出廚房,天南地北的聊著, 聊跨年,聊我的旅程, 最後你問到我是否在南邊有認識不錯的阿根廷男生, 我說沒有, 你問我是否還記得之前的約定, 說今晚將介紹我值得認識的阿根廷男生. 你說是我在阿根廷的最後一個晚上, 我說我應該跟我的女孩們同進出, 今晚見, 道別時那個印在頰上的吻很柔軟.
傍晚, 朋友在msn上跟你聊著我們之間的約定, 你對他說之於我你是available, 相約今晚見. 那晚, 不論多少封簡訊, 你就是沒有出現, 凌晨3點多你傳了封簡訊給我朋友,說你還沒準備好, 跟我轉達再見. 我傻住了, 這才知道在幾個禮拜前跟交往了7年的女孩分手.
-Day1 沒有任何消息 該回巴西了
Day0 抵達巴西 整理行李 反覆查看信箱, 沒有你的消息. 至少親自給我個哪晚你沒出現的理由, 我寫了封信給你, 05/01/10 2:27am 未知數主宰一切 該愛就愛 該放要放
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